Who is the "Christ" speaking through the so called "CHRIST LETTERS"? Does he speak UNIVERSAL WISDOM or UNIVERSAL DECEIT? Yes, he looks like a lamb - seemingly pro peace and pro love, but listen carefully - it is the voice of a dragon...(Click DRAGON)
That great servant of Jesus Christ, Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones gives invaluable
advice - “People may come to you, they
may give every appearance of being very spiritual people, highly moral people
who may do excellent works – they may be the greatest philanthropists in the
country – but that is not enough. The question we want to know is this – what
do they say about Jesus? What is their confession with respect to him? Is he
just the great teacher, just the supreme mystic, or is he the Son of God
incarnate, who saves by his death upon the cross, by his body being broken and
his blood being shed? These are the tests...”*
”For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and
him crucified.” (1 Corinthians 2:2)
· *D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones in